Biological Agents: Protective Clothing
- Non-state groups, lone actors, and even members of the medical community have committed bioterrorism and biocrime
- Likelihood of amateurs using homemade equipment to successfully develop/deploy biological weapon of mass destruction is remote
- Terrorists rely on explosives as weapon of choice
- Aum Shinrikyo program and Al Qaeda demonstrate intentions to harness modern microbiology for malicious purposes
- Guidelines for firefighters and other responders against biological agents
- Recommendations for the Selection and Use of Respirators and Protective Clothing for Protection Against Biological Agents
- Plan should include assessment of:
- Hazard and exposure potential
- Respiratory protection needs
- Dermal protection needs
- Entry conditions, exit routes
- Decontamination strategies
- DoD Policy
- Use FDA-licensed, commercially available medical countermeasures (i.e., vaccines) to protect the health of U.S. forces from biological warfare threat agents
- Employ IND medical countermeasures only when FDA-licensed products are unavailable and
- There is a confirmed high risk to force health protection that necessitates consideration of IND product use
- Only after an in-depth review and approval by
- The Secretary of Defense of a request initiated by a Commander of a Combatant Command through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
- In coordination with the ASD(HA) (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs)
- The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
- The Secretary of the Army as the Executive Agent, and
- The DoD General Counsel
- In strict compliance with
- A specific treatment protocol developed for the required indication that has been reviewed by the FDA and
- Complies with the requirements of 21 C.F.R.
- Including the requirement for informed consent and
- Informed consent may be waived only by the President upon request by the Secretary of Defense and
- Only under specified conditions
- If a presidential waiver of informed consent is approved, then
- DoD Components must conduct ongoing monitoring and adhere to periodic reporting as required by the President
- The Secretary of Defense shall notify
- Congress, and the public by Federal Register notification, as soon as practicable
- The President and the FDA Commissioner of any changed circumstances concerning the need to waive informed consent, and
- The waiver of informed consent terminates after 1 year or when no longer needed—whichever is earlier
- Vaccinate “at-risk” personnel against validated biological warfare threat agents
- In sufficient time for them to develop immunity before deployment to high-threat areas
- Integrate and prioritize efforts for vaccine research, development, testing, evaluation, acquisition, and stockpiling and
- To improve existing vaccines against validated biological warfare threat agents
- Develop a capability to acquire and stockpile adequate quantities of vaccines
- To protect the programmed force against all validated biological warfare threats
- Biological weapons may expose workers to bacteria, viruses, or toxins as fine airborne particles
- Biological agents are infectious through ≥ 1 of the following mechanisms of exposure (depends on agent):
- Inhalation (infection through respiratory mucosa or lung tissues)
- Ingestion
- Contact with mucous membranes of eyes or nasal tissues
- Penetration of skin through lesions/abrasions
- Biological agents, as liquid or solid organic airborne particles, behave the same in the air as inert or inorganic particles
- Because they share the same aerodynamic characteristics
- Because biological weapons are particles
- Will not permeate materials used in construction of respirators or protective clothing the same way that some chemicals can permeate through them
- However, biological particles potentially can penetrate through seams, closures, interfaces, pores, and gaps in protective apparel
- Careful attention to properly selected, assembled and fitted personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential to ensuring necessary protection for first responders
- Some devices used for intentional biological terrorism may have the capacity to disseminate large quantities of biological materials in aerosols
- High levels of protection (i.e., level A ensembles) will be necessary when hazards and airborne concentrations are either unknown or expected to be high
- PPE providing lower levels of protection (i.e., level B or C ensembles) are generally allowed once conditions are understood and exposure are determined to be at lower levels
- Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) NIOSH-approved respirators in conjunction with protective ensembles certified to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards are recommended for responders
- In situations where the hazard potential from a potential terrorist event exists
- Respirators/protective ensembles certified for CBRN-rated protection have been evaluated with warfare agents for resistance against permeation and penetration of the materials used in their construction
- For example, rubber, elastomeric, barrier, and selectively permeable materials
- CBRN respirators provide a high level of protection against airborne hazards when
- Properly fitted to the user’s face
- Properly used in an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-compliant respiratory protection program external icon
- During an intentional release of a biological agent
- Concurrent or secondary release of other types of hazards, such as a chemical, may occur
- Therefore, when selecting appropriate levels of PPE
- Information regarding potential of exposures to non-biological hazards should be factored into any selection decisions
- Appendix B of the HAZWOPER standard defines the OSHA/EPA Protection Levels A, B, and C as follows (View image)
- Level A—To be selected where the hazards are unknown or unquantifiable or when the greatest level of skin, respiratory and eye protection is required
- Level B—The highest level of respiratory protection is necessary, but a lesser level of skin protection is needed
- Level C—The concentration(s) and type(s) of airborne substances is known and the criteria for using air-purifying respirators are met
Undefined Situation
- Use NIOSH-approved, CBRN SCBA in conjunction with a Level A, protective suit in responding to suspected incident is unknown or the event is uncontrolled:
- Type of airborne agent
- Dissemination method
- If dissemination via aerosol-generating device still occurring or it has stopped but no information on duration of dissemination, or what exposure concentration might be
- Other conditions may present a vapor or splash hazard
Defined Situation
- Use a Level B protective ensemble (certified to NFPA 1994 Class 2, NFPA 1992, or NFPA 1971 CBRN protective ensembles if available as first choice) if exposed/enclosed NIOSH-certified CBRN SCBA if:
- Suspected biological aerosol no longer being generated
- Other conditions may present splash hazard
- **Note: NFPA 1994 Class 4 does not have a requirement to provide limited protection against liquid or chemical hazards
- Use a level C protective ensemble (certified to NFPA 1994 class 3 or 4 or certified as NFPA 1999 protective ensemble if available as first choice) with
- CBRN full facepiece APR or CBRN full facepiece powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) when it can be determined that:
- The suspected biological aerosol is no longer being generated
- The biological agent and hazard level have been defined
- Dissemination was by a letter or package that can be easily bagged
After risk assessment downgraded
- When a risk assessment has been conducted by qualified safety and health experts use alternate PPE, including
- Non-CBRN level C protective ensembles with
- Full facepiece particulate respirator (N100 or P100 filters) or
- PAPR with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, in conjunction with
- Disposable hooded coveralls, gloves, and foot coverings as appropriate
- DHHS (NIOSH). Guidance on Emergency Responder Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Response to CBRN Terrorism Incidents. Available at: [Accessed October 2023]
- CDC. Emergency Preparedness and Response: Bioterrorism. Available at: [Accessed October 2023]
- Chemicals and Hazardous Materials Incidents. Available at: [Accessed October 2023]
- In: Bozue J, Cote CK, et al; (eds). Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare. Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute US Army Medical Dept Center and School: Fort Sam Houston, TX, 2018
- In: Institute of Medicine (US) and National Research Council (US) Committee on Accelerating the Research, Development, and Acquisition of Medical Countermeasures Against Biological Warfare Agents; Joellenbeck LM, Durch JS, Benet LZ; (eds).
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2004.
- Ho, Nghia, MD
Updated/Reviewed: October 2023