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ACIP Pediatric Immunization Guidance


ACIP Pediatric Immunization Schedule Guidance

COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance 2023-2024

  • Routine vaccination
    • Recommended for all ages 6 months and up
      • Pfizer
        • Not previously vaccinated
          • 6 mo-4 yo: 0.3 mL IM x3
            • Given on wk 0, 3, and ≥8 wks after Dose 2
            • If turning 4 to 5 yo during series, pt should receive all doses
          • 5-11 yo: 0.3 mL IM x1
          • ≥12 yo: as adult
        • Previously vaccinated
          • 6 mo-4 yo
            • 1 previous dose: 0.3 mL IM x2
              • Dose 1 given 3 wks after last dose
              • Dose 2 given ≥8 wks after Dose 1
              • If turning 4 to 5 yo during series, pt should receive all doses
            • 2-4 previous doses: 0.3 mL IM x1
              • Given ≥8 wks after last dose
          • 5-11 yo: 0.3 mL IM x1
            • Given ≥2 mths after last dose
          • ≥12 yo: as adult
        • Immunocompromised
          • ≥12 yo
            • As adult
          • 6 mo-11 yo
            • 0.3 mL IM; admin ≥3-dose series
              • 6 mo-4 yo: given on wk 0, 3, and ≥8 wks after Dose 2
              • 5-11 yo: given on wk 0, 3, and ≥4 wks after Dose 2
            • Not previously vaccinated:
              • Complete full 3-dose series
            • Previously vaccinated with 1-2 dose(s):
              • Complete remaining dose(s) in 3-dose series
            • Previously vaccinated with ≥3 doses:
              • Admin single dose, given ≥2 mth after last dose
            • Additional 0.3 mL dose may be admin ≥2 mth after completion of series
              • Subsequent doses may be admin at provider discretion
      • Moderna
        • Not previously vaccinated
          • 6 mo-4 yo: 0.25 mL IM x2 (given 1 mth apart)
            • If turning 4 to 5 yo during series, pt should receive both doses
          • 5-11 yo: 0.25 mL IM x1
          • ≥12 yo: as adult
        • Previously vaccinated
          • 6 mo-4 yo
            • Single previous dose: 0.25 mL IM x1, given 1 mth after previous dose
            • ≥2 previous doses: 0.25 mL IM x1, given ≥2 mth after previous dose
          • 5-11 yo: 0.25 mL IM x1, given ≥2 mth after previous dose
          • ≥12 yo: as adult
        • Immunocompromised
          • ≥12 yo
            • As adult
          • 6 mo-11 yo
            • 0.25 mL IM; should receive ≥3 doses, each given 1 mth apart
              • Not previously vaccinated:
                • Complete full 3-dose series
              • Previously vaccinated with 1-2 dose(s):
                • Complete remaining dose(s) in 3-dose series
              • Previously vaccinated with ≥3 doses:
                • Admin single dose, given ≥2 mth after last dose
            • Additional 0.25 mL dose may be admin ≥2 mth after completion of series
              • Subsequent doses may be admin at provider discretion
      • Booster recommendations, see:
    • See COVID-19 vaccination

Hepatitis B

  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for dose 1: birth
    • Birth dose (monovalent HepB vaccine only)
      • If the mother is HBsAg-negative
        • 1 dose within 24 hours of birth for medically stable infants ≥ 2,000 grams
        • Infants < 2,000 grams administer 1 dose at chronological age 1 month or hospital discharge
      • If the mother is HBsAg-positive
        • Administer 1 dose HepB vaccine and HBIG (at separate anatomic sites) within 12 hours of birth, regardless of birth weight
        • Test for HBsAg and anti-HBs at age 9–12 months
          • If HepB series is delayed, test 1–2 months after the final dose
      • If the mother’s HBsAg status is unknown
        • Give HepB vaccine within 12 hours of birth, regardless of birth weight
        • For infants < 2,000 grams, give 0.5 mL of HBIG in addition to HepB vaccine within 12 hours of birth
          • Administer 3 additional doses of vaccine (total of 4 doses) beginning at age 1 month
        • Determine mother’s HBsAg status as soon as possible
          • If the mother is HBsAg-positive, give 0.5 mL of HBIG to infants ≥ 2,000 grams as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days of age
    • Routine series
      • A complete series is 3 doses at 0, 1–2, and 6–18 months
        • Monovalent HepB vaccine should be used for doses given before age 6 weeks
      • Infants who did not receive a birth dose should begin the series as soon as feasible (see catch–up schedule below)
      • Administration of 4 doses is permitted when a combination vaccine containing HepB is used after the birth dose
      • Minimum age for the final (3rd or 4th) dose: 24 weeks (give at age 6 months)
      • Minimum intervals
        • Dose 1 to Dose 2: 4 weeks
        • Dose 2 to Dose 3: 8 weeks
        • Dose 1 to Dose 3: 16 weeks (when 4 doses are given, substitute "Dose 4" for "Dose 3" in these calculations)
          • Minimum age for final dose is 24 weeks
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • Unvaccinated persons should complete a 3-dose series at 0, 1–2, and 6 months
    • Adolescents 11–15 years of age may use an alternative 2-dose schedule, with at least 4 months between doses (adult formulation Recombivax HB only)
    • Adolescents 18 years and older may receive a 2-dose series of HepB (Heplisav-B) at least 4 weeks apart
    • Adolescents 18 years and older may receive the combined HepA and HepB vaccine, Twinrix, as a 3-dose series or 4-dose series
      • 3-dose series at 0, 1, and 6 months)
      • 4-dose series at 0, 7, and 21–30 days, followed by a dose at 12 months
    • The interval between doses (age 7 years through 18 years)
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 8 weeks and at least 16 weeks after the first dose


  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for dose 1: 6 weeks
    • Administer a series of RV vaccine to all infants as follows:
      • Rotarix: administer a 2-dose series at ages 2 and 4 months
      • RotaTeq: administer a 3-dose series at ages 2, 4, and 6 months
      • If any dose in the series was RotaTeq or vaccine product is unknown for any dose in the series, default to 3-dose series
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • The maximum age for the first dose: 14 weeks, 6 days
      • Do not start the series on or after age 15 weeks, 0 days
    • The maximum age for the final dose is 8 months, 0 days
    • A vaccine series does not need to be restarted, regardless of the time that has elapsed between doses
    • Interval between doses
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 4 weeks

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and acellular Pertussis (DTaP) Vaccination Guidance

  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for the first dose:
    • 5-dose series at 2, 4, 6, and 15–18 months and 4–6 years
    • Prospectively
      • A 4th dose may be given as early as age 12 months if at least 6 months have elapsed since the 3rd dose
    • Retrospectively
      • A 4th dose that was inadvertently administered given as early as 12 months may be counted if at least 4 months have elapsed since the 3rd dose
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • Interval between
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 4 weeks
      • Dose 3 to dose 4
        • 6 months
      • Dose 4 to dose 5
        • 6 months
        • This fifth dose of DTaP vaccine is not necessary if the fourth dose was administered at age 4 years or older and
          • At least 6 months after dose 3

Haemophilus influenzae type b

  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for the first dose: 6 weeks
    • ActHIB, Hiberix, or Pentacel: 4-dose series (3-dose primary series at age 2, 4, and 6 months, followed by a booster dose at age 12–15 months)
      • Vaxelis is not recommended for use as a booster dose
      • A different Hib-containing vaccine should be used for the booster dose
    • PedvaxHIB: 3-dose series (2-dose primary series at age 2 and 4 months, followed by a booster dose at age 12–15 months)
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • 1st dose at 7–11 months: Give 2nd dose at least 4 weeks later and 3rd (final) dose at 12–15 months or 8 weeks after a 2nd dose (whichever is later)
    • 1st dose at 12–14 months: Give 2nd (final) dose at least 8 weeks after 1st dose
    • 1st dose before 12 months and 2nd dose before 15 months: Give 3rd (final) dose 8 weeks after 2nd dose
    • 2 doses of PedvaxHIB before 12 months: Give 3rd (final) dose at 12–59 months and at least 8 weeks after 2nd dose
    • Unvaccinated at 15–59 months: 1 dose
    • Previously unvaccinated children age 60 months or older who are not considered high risk
      • Do not require catch-up vaccination
    • Interval between doses
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks if the first dose was administered before the 1st birthday
        • 8 weeks (as final dose) if the first dose was administered at age 12 through 14 months
        • No further doses needed if the first dose was administered at age 15 months or older
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 4 weeks if current age is younger than 12 months and the first dose was administered at younger than age 7 months, and at least 1 previous dose was PRP-T (ActHib, Pentacel, Hiberix) or unknown
        • 8 weeks and age 12 through 59 months (as final dose) if
          • Current age is younger than 12 months and the first dose was administered at age 7 through 11 months
          • Current age is 12 through 59 months and the first dose was administered before the 1st birthday, and the second dose administered at younger than 15 months
          • Both doses were PRP-OMP (PedvaxHIB; Comvax) and were administered before the 1st birthday
        • No further doses needed if the previous dose was administered at age 15 months or older
      • Dose 3 to dose 4
        • 8 weeks (as final dose)
        • This dose only necessary for children age 12 through 59 months who received 3 doses before the 1st birthday
    • Vaxelis can be used for catch-up vaccination in children less than age 5 years
      • Follow the catch-up schedule even if Vaxelis is used for one or more doses

Pneumococcal Vaccine

  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for the first dose:
      • PCV13: 6 weeks
      • PPSV23: 2 years
    • PCV13: 4-dose series at 2, 4, 6, and 12–15 months
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • 1 dose for healthy children aged 24–59 months with any incomplete* PCV13 schedule
      • *Incomplete schedules are any schedules where PCV13 doses have not been completed according to ACIP recommended catch-up schedules; the total number and timing of doses for complete PCV13 series are dictated by the age at first vaccination
    • Interval between doses
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks if the first dose administered before the 1st birthday
        • 8 weeks (as a final dose for healthy children) if the first dose was administered at the 1st birthday or after
        • No further doses needed for healthy children if the first dose was administered at age 24 months or older
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 4 weeks if current age is younger than 12 months and the previous dose given at < 7 months old
        • 8 weeks (as a final dose for healthy children) if
          • Previous dose is given between 7-11 months (wait until at least 12 months old)
          • Current age is 12 months or older and at least 1 dose was given before age 12 months
        • No further doses needed for healthy children if the previous dose administered at age 24 months or older
      • Dose 3 to dose 4
        • 8 weeks (as final dose)
        • This dose only necessary for children aged 12 through 59 months regardless of risk or
          • Age 60 to 71 months w/ any risk, who received 3 doses before age 12 months
    • For medical indications and special populations, click here

Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccination

  • Routine vaccination
    • Minimum age: 6 weeks
    • 4-dose series at ages 2, 4, 6–18 months, and 4–6 years
    • Administer the final dose on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose
    • 4 or more doses of IPV can be administered before the 4th year when a combination vaccine containing IPV is used
      • A dose is still recommended after the 4th year and at least 6 months after the previous dose
  • Series containing oral polio vaccine (OPV), either mixed OPV-IPV or OPV-only series
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • In the first 6 months of life, use minimum ages and intervals only for travel to a polio-endemic region or during an outbreak
    • IPV is not routinely recommended for U.S. residents aged 18 years or older
    • Interval between doses
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 4 weeks if < 4 yo
        • 6 months (as final dose) if < 4 yo or older
      • Dose 3 to dose 4
        • 6 months (minimum age 4 years for final dose)

Influenza Vaccination

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccination Guidance

  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for routine vaccination: 12 months
    • 2-dose series at 12–15 months and 4–6 years
      • The 2nd dose may be given as early as 4 weeks after the 1st dose
    • MMR or MMRV may be administered
  • International travel
    • Infants 6–11 months
      • Administer 1 dose before departure
      • Revaccinate with 2 doses at 12–15 months (12 months for children in high-risk areas) and 2nd dose as early as 4 weeks later
    • Unvaccinated children 12 months and older
      • Administer 2 doses at least 4 weeks apart before departure
    • In mumps outbreak settings
      • Information about additional doses of MMR (including 3rd dose of MMR)
        • See
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • Unvaccinated children and adolescents: 2 doses at least 4 weeks apart
    • Maximum age for use of MMRV is 12 years
    • Minimum interval between MMRV doses is 3 months

Varicella Vaccination Guidance

  • Routine vaccination
    • Minimum age: 12 months
    • 2-dose series: 12–15 months and 4–6 years
    • The second dose may be given as early as 3 months after the first dose (a dose given after a 4-week interval may be counted)
    • For dose 1 in children age 12–47 months
      • Recommended to administer MMR and varicella vaccines separately
      • MMRV may be used if parents or caregivers express a preference
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • Ensure that all persons aged 7 through 18 years without evidence of immunity have 2 doses of varicella vaccine
      • (See MMWR 2007;56[No. RR-4], available at )
    • Interval between doses
      • For children aged 7 through 12 years: 3 months (minimum interval: 4 weeks)
      • For persons aged 13 years and older: 4-8 weeks (minimum interval: 4 weeks)
      • Maximum age for use of MMRV is 12 years

Hepatitis A Vaccination Guidance

  • Routine vaccination
    • Minimum age: 12 months
    • 2-dose series (minimum interval: 6 months) at age 12-23 months
      • Havrix 6–12 months apart or Vaqta 6–18 months apart (minimum interval 6 months)
        • A series begun before the 2nd birthday should be completed even if the child turns 2 before the second dose is administered
  • International travel
    • Persons traveling to or working in countries with high or intermediate endemic hepatitis
      • Infants age 6–11 months: 1 dose before departure
        • Revaccinate with 2 doses, separated by at least 6 months, between 12 to 23 months of age
      • Unvaccinated age 12 months and older: 1st dose as soon as travel considered
    • See:
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • Unvaccinated persons through age 18 years
      • Should complete a 2-dose series (minimum interval: 6 months)
    • Persons who previously received 1 dose at age 12 months or older
      • Should receive dose 2 at least 6 months after dose 1
    • Adolescents age 18 or older
      • May received combined HepA and HepB vaccine, Twinrix, as a 3-dose series (0, 1 and 6 months) or
      • 4-dose series (3 doses at 0, 7 and 21-30 days, followed by a booster dose at 12 months)
  • Special populations
    • Previously unvaccinated persons in whom the following apply should be vaccinated
      • Persons traveling to or working in countries that have high or intermediate endemicity of infection
      • Men having sex with men
      • Persons with clotting-factor disorders
      • Persons with chronic liver disease; and
      • Persons who anticipate close, personal contact (e.g., household or regular babysitting) with an international adoptee during the first 60 days after arrival in the United States from a country with high or intermediate endemicity
        • The first dose should be administered as soon as the adoption is planned, ideally, 2 or more weeks before the arrival of the adoptee

Meningococcal Vaccination Guidance

  • Serogroup A, C, W, Y meningococcal vaccines
    • Routine vaccination
      • Serogroup A, C, W, Y meningococcal vaccines; minimum age: 2 months (Menveo), 9 months (Menactra), 2 years (MenQuadfi)
      • 2-dose series: 11-12 years and 16 years
    • Catch-up vaccination
      • Age 13-15 years
        • Administer 1 dose now and a booster at age 16-18 years; minimum interval 8 weeks
      • Age 16-18 years
        • Administer 1 dose
    • For medical indications and special populations, click here
  • Serogroup B meningococcal vaccines
    • Clinical discretion: adolescents not at increased risk for meningococcal B infection who want MenB vaccine
      • MenB vaccines may be given at clinical discretion to adolescents 16–23 years (preferred age 16–18 years) who are not at increased risk
      • Minimum age: 10 years (MenB-4C, Bexsero; MenB-FHbp, Trumenba)
        • Bexsero: 2 doses at least 1 month apart
        • Trumenba: 2 doses at least 6 months apart
          • If the 2nd dose is given earlier than 6 months, administer the 3rd dose at least 4 months after dose 2
    • For medical indications and special populations, click here

Tetanus, Diphtheria: Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) Vaccination Guidance

  • Routine vaccination
    • The minimum age for routine vaccination: 11 years
    • Adolescents 11–12 years of age: 1 dose Tdap
    • Pregnant adolescents: 1 dose during each pregnancy (preferably during the early part of gestational weeks 27–36)
    • Tdap may be administered regardless of the interval since last tetanus- and diphtheria-toxoid-containing vaccine
  • Catch-up vaccination
    • The minimum age for catch-up vaccination: 7 years
    • Adolescents 13–18 years who have not received Tdap: 1 dose Tdap, followed by a Td or Tdap booster every 10 years
    • Persons aged 7–18 years not fully immunized with DTaP: 1 dose of Tdap as part of the catch-up series (preferably the first dose); if additional doses are needed, use Td or Tdap
    • Tdap administered at age 7–10 years
      • Children age 7–9 years who receive Tdap should receive the routine Tdap dose at age 11–12 years
      • Children age 10 years who receive Tdap do not need the routine Tdap dose at age 11–12 years
    • DTaP inadvertently administered on or after age 7 years
      • Children age 7–9 years: DTaP may count as part of catch-up series
        • Administer routine Tdap dose at age 11–12 years
      • Children age 10–18 years: Count dose of DTaP as the adolescent Tdap booster
    • Interval between doses
      • Dose 1 to dose 2
        • 4 weeks
      • Dose 2 to dose 3
        • 4 weeks if the first dose of DTaP/DT was administered before the 1st birthday
        • 6 months (as final dose) if the first dose of DTaP/DT or Tdap/Td was administered at or after the 1st birthday
      • Dose 3 to dose 4
        • 6 months if the first dose of DTaP/DT was administered before the 1st birthday
    • Fully vaccinated = 5 valid doses of DTaP OR 4 valid doses of DTaP if dose 4 was administered at age 4 years or older

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Guidance

  • Routine and catch-up vaccination
    • Minimum age: 9 years
    • Routine vaccination for all adolescents at 11–12 years (can start at age 9 years)
      • Catch-up vaccination through age 18 years if not previously adequately vaccinated
    • Number of doses dependent on age at initial vaccination
      • Age 9–14 years at initiation
        • 2-dose series at 0 and 6–12 months
        • Minimum interval: 5 months (repeat a dose given too soon at least 12 weeks after the invalid dose and at least 5 months after the 1st dose)
      • Age 15 years or older at initiatial vaccination
        • 3-dose series at 0, 1–2, and 6 months
          • Minimum intervals: 4 weeks between 1st and 2nd dose; 12 weeks between 2nd and 3rd dose; 5 months between 1st and 3rd dose (repeat dose(s) given too soon at or after the minimum interval since the most recent dose)
    • Interrupted schedules: If vaccination schedule is interrupted, the series does not need to be restarted
    • Persons who have completed a valid series with any HPV vaccine do not need any additional doses
  • Special populations:
    • History of sexual abuse or assault
      • Begin series at age 9 years
    • Immunocompromised (including HIV) 3 dose series even for those who initiate vaccination at age 9–14 years
    • Pregnancy
      • Vaccination not recommended until after pregnancy
      • Pregnancy testing not needed before vaccination
      • No intervention if vaccinated while pregnant


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age. Available at: [Accessed August 2023]


  1. Hernandez, James, DO
  2. Singh, Ajaydeep, MD

Updated/Reviewed: August 2023