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Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test


(Open Calc) Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test


  • For rapid assessment of pts for alcoholism


  • Minimum score: 0
  • Maximum score: 29
  • Cutoff: score ≥ 6 indicates likely alcohol abuse

Scoring Instructions

  1. Do you feel you are a normal drinker?
    • Yes (0 points)
    • No (2 points)
  2. Do friends or relatives think you are a normal drinker?
    • Yes (0 points)
    • No (2 points)
  3. Have you ever attended a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (5 points)
  4. Have you ever lost friends, girlfriends, or boyfriends because of drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (2 points)
  5. Have you ever gotten in trouble at work because of drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (2 points)
  6. Have you ever neglected your obligations, your family, or your work for 2 or more days in a row because you were drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (2 points)
  7. Have you ever had delirium tremens (DTs), had severe shaking, heard voices, or seen things that weren't there after heavy drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (2 points)
  8. Have you ever gone to someone for help with your drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (5 points)
  9. Have you ever been in a hospital because of drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (5 points)
  10. Have you ever been arrested for drunk driving or driving after drinking?
    • No (0 points)
    • Yes (2 points)


  1. Crowley TJ. Alcoholism: Identification, evaluation, and early treatment. West J Med.1984;140:461-4.
  2. Selzer ML. The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test: The quest for a new diagnostic instrument. Amer J Psychiat. 1971;127:1653-1658.
  3. Speicher CE. The Right Test, 2nd Ed.W.B.Saunders.1993.p.45-50.