Cervical Spine Injury Assessment
- Anatomy and Physiology
- 7 cervical vertebrae
- Atlas and Axis
- Atlas formed by two lateral masses connected by anterior and posterior arches
- Paired synovial joints allow articulation between occiput and atlas, accounting for 50% of neck flexion/extension
- Axis has small body and odontoid process that articulates with anterior arch of C1
- Accounts for 50% of neck rotation
- Axis has very large, strong spinous process
- Accommodates multiple insertions, adding to stability
- Ligaments (cruciate, tectorial, etc.) extremely important to stability of upper cervical spine
- C3-C7 Vertebrae
- Vertebral bodies separated by discs
- Pedicle and lamina extend posteriorly from body
- Vertebral arteries travel through Transverse Processes
- Spinous processes allow for muscle/ligamentous attachment
- Facet joints above and below
- Internal support provided by anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments and posterior ligamentous complex (PLC)
- Roles of cervical spine
- Weight transfer of head
- Facilitates neck motion (rotation, flexion/extension, etc.)
- Protection of spinal cord
- Epidemiology
- Incidence
- USA: 50,000-200,000 spinal fractures (all types)/year
- 12,000 new spinal cord injuries per year
- Spine injury occurs in 3-4% of blunt traumas
- Location
- 1/3 of fractures occur at C2
- 1/2 of fractures occur at C6/C7
- Most fatal injuries occur at base of skull-C2
- Mechanism
- Motor vehicle crashes account for majority of fractures and 41% of Spinal Cord Injuries (SCIs)
- Falls, acts of violence, and sports account for remainder
- Demographics
- Males: 80% of spinal cord injuries
- Blacks > Whites
Initial Management Overview
- ABCs, immobilization of C-Spine
- Hard cervical collar is standard of care (View Video)
- Restricts 50-80% of movement
- Uncomfortable and can result in pressure sores with prolonged use
- Manual stabilization and logroll precautions with all transfers
- Airway/Breathing
- The higher the spinal injury the more likely the need for a secured airway
- Maintain in-line stabilization during intubation
- Video-assisted laryngoscopy may be beneficial
- Circulation
- Hypotension in the suspected cervical spine injury patient may be due to
- Hypovolemia secondary to blood loss
- Obstructive shock (pneumothorax)
- Cardiogenic shock (blunt cardiac injury)
- Neurogenic shock
- While bradycardia with hypotension may be due to neurogenic shock, medications may block the tachycardic response associated with hypovolemia and blood loss
- Neurologic Examination
- Pupils and GCS for all traumas
- Suspected SCI should have more detailed examination focused on
- Sensory level
- Motor function
- Spinal cord reflexes
- Repeat neuro exams every hour, with clinical change, and after all transfers and procedures
- Clinically Clearing Cervical Spine (see also NEXUS Criteria)
- Nexus 93% sensitive for excluding clinically significant cervical fractures
- Be wary of use in the elderly as the sensitivity has shown to be decreased in that population
- Many ED physicians combine Nexus rules with Canadian C-Spine rules
- As hard cervical collars are associated with discomfort and pressure sores, clearance of c-spine should be a priority
- Be careful of overtightening the collar in head injured patients as it can increase intracranial pressure through jugular vein compression
- Imaging
- CT has become standard imaging modality
- Plain radiographs have lower sensitivity, are sometimes inadequate, and take longer to obtain at many centers
- For low-risk patients with isolated neck trauma plain radiographs still a consideration, particularly if wanting to avoid excessive radiation
- MRI is frequently used in the evaluation of SCI or soft tissue injury
Stability Assessment
- Definition of Stable: ability of spinal column to maintain normal alignment and protect neural elements during usual activities and physiologic loads
- Injury Pattern (See Stability)
- Most frequently used method characterization
- Uses radiology findings to characterize fractures and dislocations
- Injury patterns are categorized as stable or unstable
- Injury Mechanism (See Mechanisms)
- Generally used to categorize different injury patterns and describe pathogenesis of different injuries
- Some have developed grading scales for injury patterns to quantify the complexity and seriousness of different injury types
- Generally applied to subaxial injuries
- White and Panjabi System (Open Calc)
- Developed in 1978
- Uses radiographic findings, neurologic examination, and anticipated demands of the patient to determine stability
- Based on calculated score, fractures labeled as stable or unstable
- Some scoring parameters can be difficult to assess
- Subaxial Injury Classification (Open Calc)
- Very useful for C3-C7 injuries
- Incorporates fracture type, neurologic status, and integrity of the discoligamentous complex (DLC)
- DLC stabilizes the spine and includes the disc, facet joint capsule, ligamentum flavum, and spinal ligaments
- Scores > 4 are operative candidates
Stability Ranking: MOST unstable (1) to LEAST unstable (15)
- Rupture of the transverse ligament of the atlas
- Fracture of the dens (odontoid fracture)
- Flexion teardrop fracture (burst fracture with posterior ligamentous disruption)
- Bilateral facet dislocation
- Burst fracture without posterior ligamentous disruption
- Hyperextension fracture dislocation
- Hangman's fracture
- Extension teardrop (stable in flexion)
- Jefferson fracture (burst fracture of the ring of C1)
- Unilateral facet dislocation
- Anterior subluxation
- Simple wedge compression fracture (without posterior disruption)
- Pillar fracture
- Fracture of the posterior arch of C1
- Spinous process fracture (clay shoveler fracture)
Specific Injuries: Stable And Unstable
- Occipitocervical Dislocation
- Diagnosed by the Harris Rule of 12
- Basion-posterior axial line interval (BAI): drawn along posterior aspect of dens and measured between this line and tip of basion
- Basion-dental interval (BDI): distance measured between tip of basion and tip of dens
- If BDI and BAI > 12 mm: occipito-atlantal dissociations has occurred
- Classified by dislocation of the occiput relative to C1
- All injuries are considered highly UNSTABLE
- Occipital Condyle Fractures
- Type I: an impaction fracture from axial loading; STABLE
- Type II: a basilar skull fracture with extension; STABLE
- Type III: an avulsion injury; potentially UNSTABLE
- Atlas Fractures
- Isolated Anterior and Posterior arch fractures; generally STABLE
- Jefferson Burst Fractures and fractures of Lateral Masses; generally UNSTABLE
- Atlantoaxial Instability
- Four Types
- All are considered highly UNSTABLE
- Odontoid Fractures
- Three Types
- Ligamentous/concomitant injuries tend to produce the instability
- Greatest concern for unstable injuries is non-union/poor outcome
- Hangman's Fracture
- Type I is STABLE
- Type II has disruption of C2-C3 disk and posterior longitudinal ligament
- Resulting in > 3 mm translation and significant angulation; UNSTABLE
- Overall, incidence of cord injury is low
- Flexion-Compression Injuries
- Vertebral Body Compression Fractures; generally STABLE
- Teardrop fractures may have ligamentous disruption; potentially UNSTABLE
- Posterior subluxation of posterior vertebral body into canal is most severe flexion-compression injury
- Flexion-Distraction
- Facet Subluxation: Potentially UNSTABLE
- Unilateral facet dislocation: Potentially UNSTABLE
- Facet fracture-dislocations: Potentially UNSTABLE
- Bilateral facet dislocations
- Essentially a pure soft tissue injury
- Multiple structures completely torn
- Posterior complex
- Posterior longitudinal ligament
- Intervertebral disc
- Anterior longitudinal ligament
- Axial (vertical) Compression Injuries
- Wide range of injuries
- Generally UNSTABLE
- Extension Injuries
- Disruption of the ALL and Disc
- Often have normal vertebral alignment but diffuse soft tissue swelling
- Disruption of posterior ligament with disruption of cephalad vertebrae into canal
- Extension tear-drop fracture
- Usually seen with osteoporosis/osteoarthritis of C-spine
- Central Cord Syndrome: STABLE
- Spinous Process Fracture
- Avulsion injury of spinous process
- Found in C6, C7, or T1
- From extension of neck against flexed soft tissue
- Pillar fracture
- Caused by extension + rotation
- Mattox KL, Moore, EE, Feliciano DV. Trauma, 7th Ed., 2013 McGraw-Hill
- Go S. Spine Trauma. Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine; A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 2015;pp.1708–1724
- Feuchtbaum E, et al. Subaxial Cervical Spine Trauma. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, 2016;9(4):496–504
- Aarabi B, et al. Subaxial Cervical Spine Injury Classification Systems. Neurosurgery, 2013;72:170–186
- Vaccaro AR, Hulbert RJ, Patel AA, et al. Spine Trauma Study Group. The subaxial cervical spine injury classification system: a novel approach to recognize the importance of morphology, neurology, and integrity of the disco-ligamentous complex. Spine (Phila:Pa, 1976). Oct 1, 2007;32(21):2365-2374
- Dickinson G, Stiell IG, Schull M, et al. Retrospective application of the NEXUS low-risk criteria for cervical spine radiography in Canadian emergency departments. Ann of Emerg Med. Apr 2004;43(4):507-514
- Bransford RJ, et al. Upper Cervical Spine Trauma. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2014;22(11):718–729
- Iteen, Alex, MD
- Austin, Andrea, MD
- Latham, Douglas E., MD
Updated/Reviewed: February 2019